Countless items would be on my list of what I am thankful for. My parents are always there to support me and encourage me to keep moving forward. My sisters can keep me crazy and laughing. With my elder sister, I can get help and share things. However, my younger sister is really funny and can really drive me crazy. Each of my two sisters keeps me going here and there. Truthfully, the 1,000 piece puzzles really work my brain out and it’s fun making them. The water bottle that I can take anywhere keeps me super hydrated. Each day, I come to sit on a comfy seat tucked in a big desk allowing me to have a designated place to work. Most of all, I am thankful for my bed that I can sleep on. Oh! And I love my cake pans in which I can make the best cakes ever. If you flip the words cake pans around, you get pancakes. I love my mom’s oatmeal pancakes in the morning that fill up my stomach. Giving me shelter, warmth, coziness, happiness, and protection, I am extremely thankful for a house to live in each day. 

“Wonder” Summary

Close to when the war started, more towards the end of the year, the whole 5th grade went to the nature retreat where Auggie and Jack bravely fought huge 7th graders with the help of Miles, Amos, and Henry. After that no one said anything about “The Plague.”