Countless items would be on my list of what I am thankful for. My parents are always there to support me and encourage me to keep moving forward. My sisters can keep me crazy and laughing. With my elder sister, I can get help and share things. However, my younger sister is really funny and can really drive me crazy. Each of my two sisters keeps me going here and there. Truthfully, the 1,000 piece puzzles really work my brain out and it’s fun making them. The water bottle that I can take anywhere keeps me super hydrated. Each day, I come to sit on a comfy seat tucked in a big desk allowing me to have a designated place to work. Most of all, I am thankful for my bed that I can sleep on. Oh! And I love my cake pans in which I can make the best cakes ever. If you flip the words cake pans around, you get pancakes. I love my mom’s oatmeal pancakes in the morning that fill up my stomach. Giving me shelter, warmth, coziness, happiness, and protection, I am extremely thankful for a house to live in each day. 

Death Of George Floyd

George Floyd was relentlessly and cruelly murdered, even though he begged the police officer to show some mercy. The policeman that brutally killed Floyd showed bias, racial injustice, and hate, although he is a government worker. . . As a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I am instructed to keep the rights of people in the back of my mind at all times. The Holy founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has made it clear that no race is superior to another, and the lives of all mankind and honor must be treated as sacred. While our beliefs and ethnicities may be different, I’m sure we can both agree on the sacred value of human life–all human life regardless of color, creed, religion, race, gender, and background.

Tangled 2: The Legend of Tesoro

It was a cross between a howl and an evil laugh . . . a shadow speed by the carriage. All of a sudden, Rapunzel heard Eugene holler, Celestia scream, and then … nothing. Rapunzel hurried to look outside the window, and gasped at what she saw . . .


Did you know how we get everything? The clothing, the shoes, food to eat, and water to drink. Where does everything come from? Well, it all comes from prayer. Have you ever been thankful to Allah the almighty for all this? Today we will briefly talk about the importance of Salat, the benefits of it, and what Promised Messiah (as) […]

Where I am from !!!

I’m from a pink house, As elegant as a castle. From Heaven that’s soft, comfy, and dazzles. I’m from black glasses, and earrings too. From necklaces and bracelets, And long black boots. From my cousins in London, Wahajj and Nabhiya, From my cousins in Holland, Hamiz and Wania. I’m from Eid-ul-Fitr, and Ramadhan, And sacrificing a goat, On Eid-ul-Adha. I’m […]