Trivia of the Day – October 29, 2020
TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE DAY: Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (in 1903)? Comment below about what YOU think that answer is . . . don’t cheat! (Answer will be posted next week . . .)
TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE DAY: Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (in 1903)? Comment below about what YOU think that answer is . . . don’t cheat! (Answer will be posted next week . . .)
So at least we’ve ALL played telephone before. If not, first do that, and then come back here to see level 2 of that game. Okay to start off, this is a really fun game, and be prepared for a serious case of the sillies. You may be laughing your head off when this game is over . . . Anyways, let’s get over to how to play.
Social media today, as we know it, is affecting kids in many ways. While it can have some positive effects, the negative effects weight heavier when scaled. As a result of this, there are some actions that need to be taken to ensure that social media has a positive impact on its users.
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George Floyd was relentlessly and cruelly murdered, even though he begged the police officer to show some mercy. The policeman that brutally killed Floyd showed bias, racial injustice, and hate, although he is a government worker. . . As a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I am instructed to keep the rights of people in the back of my mind at all times. The Holy founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has made it clear that no race is superior to another, and the lives of all mankind and honor must be treated as sacred. While our beliefs and ethnicities may be different, I’m sure we can both agree on the sacred value of human life–all human life regardless of color, creed, religion, race, gender, and background.
He watched as she fell down from the chair and hit her head on the refrigerator door. She tried again and again, but her efforts were all in vain. No matter what she did, she could not reach and get Annabelle from the top of the refrigerator. Liam would watch Allie fall and laugh at her, over and over again. All of a sudden as Allison got really close to Belle, she fell down onto the floor with a loud crash.
It shows how her feelings change after meeting the young man. The movie also shows how the young princess started to become more caring, compared to the hard-headed teenager she used to be, after meeting Flynn. It also shows how Rapunzel started to learn about love, and how she became more affectionate than ever before. The movie also shows how the young girl started to understand her life in the tower, and how she figured out why she was there. The movie also shows how Rapunzel understood that Mother Gothel wasn’t her real mother. It shows the way Gothel acted when trying to dismiss the subject of being able to explore the outside world.
In 1916, Baruch was appointed to the Advisory Commision of the Council of National Defense by President Woodrow Wilson. During World War I he became chairman of the War Industries Bond, or WIB. He was also designated to the major civilian agency for industrial mobilization by President Wilson. Bernard Baruch was also at the center of the government’s mobilization because of the WIB and the President’s War Council. In 1919, he was a representative in the Supreme Economic Council at the Versailles Peace Conference. He was also the personal advisor on the terms of peace to President Woodrow Wilson. Baruch urged a new WIB during World War II, but President Roosevelt ignored his advice because of concern for his own power. President Truman asked Bernard Baruch to formulate a postwar international policy for atomic energy in 1946. The Baruch Plan proposed that America’s atomic secrets and production of atomic bombs be safeguarded and kept a secret, “until an international agency, over which the USSR would not have a veto, established full control of manufacturing plants anywhere in the world.” ( It was rejected by the Soviet Union. In fear of inflation, Baruch unsuccessfully tried to get the Truman administration to force wage and price controls, during the Korean War. However, by then, Baruch had lost his great influence.
Don’t think about doing that essay for school tomorrow when it’s due in three days. Start. It. NOW! It doesn’t matter when you finish it. Once you start it, you will have the energy to keep going, and might even finish it. Once you realize that you have less than half left, you might even do those last to paragraphs tomorrow!
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