The oven. The heat. The fire. That was all I could think about when I was a centimeter away from the oven. Let me start by introducing myself. I am Olivia, a gingerbread girl. It all started on Christmas, a decade ago. The moon was shining and the stars were glittering in the dark, black sky. Then, a tall face that was being called Barley, placed me on a flat gray tray. It was noisy and crowded. I felt like it was a big party.
This lady, Barlery, put 7 more gingerbread boys and girls with me on the same tray. Then she carried us and opened the door of a hot burning place. She placed the rest in but guess what? I jumped off in my biggest hurry and hid away. She opened the door to a snowy place outside. She took all the children out to play in the snow in their warmest and heaviest coats. It sparked in my mind, a light bulb. I ran out with the other kids to meet a tall white 3 ball thing that could talk and hop.
I came to see that it was a real snowman. Frosty the snowman and I walked around and into a forest. Back at the Clammy Village, the noise of the kids playing faded away. Soon the children went in, following the smell of the crispy gingerbread cookies in the oven while Frosty and I strolled through the Clammy Forest. When Barley slowly opened the door of the oven crowded around with all the kids, she saw that a Back at the Clammy village the cookie was gone! The room was filled with dead silence and blasts of cries. No one seemed to be happy.
The kids along with Barley went on to find the missing Gingerbread cookie. Soon they gave up and ate the ones they had. As Frosty and I strolled through the forest, we shared things that we like and we dislike. We talked and talked until we became friends. Not just friends, best friends. It’s fun having a best friend along your side. They are always there to support you.
This will always be a memory for us and the children along with Barley. They will always remember how they felt when I wasn’t there. I will also remember that I escaped. Frosty and I will always be best friends forever. Though this incident is a decade old, I remember it like it happened yesterday.
By: Fateha M