Why Math is fun!!!

Why Math is fun!!!

I agree that math is fun for many reasons. Number one is that I believe that math is like a game. Algebra is especially fun when we get to do equations, linear equations, etc. Number two is that it gets your brain to work faster and quicker which makes it faster to answer questions quickly. It trains your brain to mentally solve hard problems, and gets it ready for higher level math and problems. It also builds up on top of itself. Number three is the way that Ms. Campbell teaches. Whenever we have a question or don’t understand how something works, she’s always there to explain it or show us a different way to solve it. These three reasons are the main answers to why I think math is fun.

I really do think math is like a game. Algebraic problems with equations are like solving a jigsaw puzzle. You find one piece and connect it to the next. In the end, you have a completed puzzle. Math is the same way. You start off in Kindergarten where adding and subtracting numbers to five are so hard that your head starts to hurt. Then we have third grade where we learn the three times table, to the twelve times table. Let’s get serious. What could be harder than that? Next we have complicated equations in sixth grade. We get homework on it every night. Oh it’s so tiring and so hard. Then we have to pre-algebra and algebra in seventh and eighth grade. Ninth and tenth grade is for precalculus and calculus. At the moment that we’re doing the math, it seems really. But as we start to look back on our life, we realize that simple problems like 2 + 2 helped to make our brain stronger. That 2 + 2 equation helped solve bigger mysterious of life such as 2 x 2. That’s why I believe that math gets your brain working and then builds up on itself.

The third reason is the way that Ms. Campbell teaches it. If we don’t get the concept of something, she’s right there to help us solve it out. If we don’t get one way to solve a problem, she shows us another. She’s always there for us, to help us, to make sure we get what we’re doing. I really like this personality of ours, because if we don’t get something, and we really don’t understand what it means, it will ruin us in the future. If we gave up on 2 + 2, would we have been able to do 2 x 2? And then 2x = 4? That’s why I believe, that Ms. Campbell’s personality is another reason that I like math.

In conclusion, I agree that math is fun. It helps us to learn and make our brains stronger. Math is also fun because of our teacher, and also because of my opinion that math problems are like a game. Though we may not see it, Math is in every single career that we can think of. Science, medicine, engineering, etc. They all include math. That’s why I agree that math is fun.

By Haala Masroor

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