Tangled 2: The Legend of Tesoro
It had been 6 months since Rapunzel had been reunited with her birth parents, and yet, she was still getting used to everything. Each day would be a new adventure for her. One afternoon, after eating lunch, Princess Rapunzel was in her room, writing and drawing in her journal. All of a sudden there was a knock at Princess Rapunzel’s door.
“Yes?” answered Rapunzel, calmly.
“Oh, Raps, do come quick!” a voice responded from outside. “The queen has sent for you! Hurry up! She says it is very urgent and asks you to come as quickly as possible”
Immediately, Rapunzel jumped up, and as Pascal jumped onto her shoulder, she rushed out her door to see Celestia, Rapunzel’s lady-in-waiting, and best friend, outside the Princess’ door.
Seeing the scared and urgent look on her friend’s face, Rapunzel asked “What’s wrong?”
Grabbing Rapunzel’s hand, Celestia quickly pulled her across the hall and through the door.
“I don’t know,” responded the young lady-in-waiting. “But from the tone of the queen, your presence sounded urgent.”
The two girls dashed to the queen’s chamber without a word. As they reached the door, Rapunzel quickly knocked on it and rushed in when her mother asked her to come in. Celestia curtsied to them both and left.
“Yes Mother?” asked Rapunzel urgently. “You sent for me. Is everything alright?”
“Um, dearie,” started Rapunzel’s mother, Arianna, uncomfortably, “We may have a problem. Your father is very sick, and there is little or no chance of his survival. He would like you to know one thing; if he is to leave this world, you are to become the next ruler of this kingdom.”
Urgency shone in Rapunzel’s eyes, “Where is he? May I speak to him, please? How bad is he? Is there anything I can do for him? Why is he so sick?”
Rapunzel’s mother shook her head sadly, “Rapunzel, as future queen you must learn to keep control of yourself at all times. If I may speak, your father asked to talk to you privately. I have no idea what this is about. But if you would really like to know, your father IS really sick, though he may not admit it.”
Together, mother and daughter walked the halls, quietly to the king’s room where a doctor and a servant were attending him.
“Father!” cried Rapunzel as she rushed into the king’s room. “What happened?”
“I am fine, dearie,” responded Fredric, Rapunzel’s father. “Just a little sick. That’s all.”
Waving the servant and doctor out of the room, the kind nodded to the queen, who left as well.
“Rapunzel, my dear,” the king started. “I would not like you to worry about me. I am fine, and if this is my time to leave, then I am content with it. There is nothing that I can do about this.”
Rapunzel shook her head slowly, and sadly, tears streaming down her face, “But Father, there must be SOMETHING that I can do. Isn’t there. Not even ONE thing left to save you?”
“Well,” her father started, “there was the sundrop flower, but that was used for your mother. However, legend has that there is a second sundrop flower, one that grows in the outskirts of the kingdom of Tesoro. But that is just a legend. Probably just a story that isn’t anywhere close to true. So don’t worry about me and just remember to focus on your life, not about mine. Please try to stay happy. I’ll be happy with that.”
But Rapunzel didn’t hear the last few words that her father said. She was deep in thought. Even though the story of the second flower was an old legend, there was still a chance of the flower being somewhere near the kingdom on Tesoro.
Saying, “I’ll try father. I hope you feel better,” Rapunzel hurried out of the king’s room as the king watched her with a puzzled look on his face.
As Rapunzel ran through the hall, back to her room, she caught Eugene heading down for dinner.
“Hey Sunshine,” Eugene said. “Where are you going? Aren’t you-”
Pulling Eugene with her, Rapunzel told him, “You know that Father is sick right? So, I asked him, and he said that there is a second sundrop outside the kingdom of Tesoro. We are going to leave tomorrow morning before dawn to look to find it. And you and Celestia are coming along.”
“W-w-w-w-wait a second.” said Eugene, uncertainly. “Did you just say Celestia? Your lady-in-waiting? You mean someone else, right?”
“Yes, Celestia my lady-in-waiting.” answered Rapunzel. “She’s the one I am talking about.”
“But, but, but, but, but, but … not Celestia! Anyone besides her, and I’ll be fine. Just not-” exclaimed Eugene.
“No buts.” replied Rapunzel in a strong voice. “Celestia is my friend and it is final that she is going. If she doesn’t go, neither do you.”
Pascal glared at Eugene.
“Listen, Sunshine-” started Eugene.
“No.” answered Rapunzel, her voice starting to rise. “You’re doing this for ME. Not Celestia. Please, Eugene, just this once agree with me. Please.”
Pascal squealed to agree with Rapunzel.
Eugene responded, “All right Rapunzel. Just tell your friend to be outside on time.”
“Remember,” reminded Rapunzel. “Tomorrow before dawn.”
The next morning, Rapunzel was the first one outside. As it was chilly outside, Rapunzel was wearing a warm, thick sweater. Just as she was climbing onto Fidella, her horse, Celestia came out from the castle, a sword at her hip and her pet eagle at her shoulder. Eugene followed, but was surprised to see that Rapunzel had decided to just take horses. As he approached her, Eugene gave the young princess a very good idea.
Eugene said, “Sunshine, how about we take a carriage with us? It would serve more than one purpose, too. We could sleep in it at night, and that would save us sometime, rather than setting up camp every night. We would also be able to keep everything in one place. It would also be nice to have some protection.”
“That’s a great idea!” exclaimed Rapunzel. “It would be very helpful. The best carriage that my father owns is in his carriage house. Let’s go get it!”
“For the first and last time,” muttered Celestia to herself, “Eugene is actually right.”
About half an hour later, the trio set out to start their journey. They stopped for lunch at a small motel about five hours after starting their journey. Sitting at the table their, Rapunzel told her friends something that seemed a bit strange.
“Last night,” started Rapunzel, “I stayed up a little late studying about the kingdom of Tesoro. I learned that an old ancient master by the name of Zealious, lives close to the sundrop. If it is to be that the second flower does not exist, we will go meet him.
“I also learned that the flower is hidden by a powerful spell, cast by Lord Demanitus. He did this so that the flower could not be reached. This COULD be evidence that the second flower exists, but then again, it isn’t exactly proven. We should reach Tesoro tonight, so we’ll continue our journey after lunch and the three of us will camp just outside of Tesoro for the night. Tomorrow morning we can look for the sundrop.”
“Rapunzel, I have been studying the history of Tesoro for a while now.” added Celestia. “The people there are known to be hostile, so we should try to stay out of their way, lest they have a problem with us being there.”
“I agree,” responded the young princess. “We never know what to expect.”
“You are listening to Celstia?!” exclaimed Eugene. “How do you know for sure that she isn’t lying?”
“Because Celestia would never lie to anyone.” Rapunzel answered, her voice rough. “And like I said, you never know what to expect, so why not be extra cautious?”
The three “friends” ate lunch quietly. They ordered some extra food for their journey, and got some oats for the horses. They continued their journey again after the horses had eaten and after about an hour, Eugene had a strange look on his face.
“Eugene?” asked Rapunzel. “Are you okay? Your face looks a litt-”
“Wait.” whispered Eugene. “I think we may have a problem. Call your friend Celestia and inform her that we will be stopping here for the night.”
“But why stop here, Euge-” started Rapunzel.
“Just go,” responded Eugene, panic rising in his voice.
Eugene’s palms were sweaty, and he froze when he saw a shadow whoosh past the carriage. The horses started to get a bit jittery, making Eugene even more scared than he already was. Celestia came out of the carriage just a second later, and Eugene quickly tried to not look scared. Seeing his pale face, Rapunzel rushed to him and asked what he had seen or heard.
Whispering to the girls, Eugene said, “Ever since we left that motel, I thought that we were being followed. I’m not sure if I am hallucinating, but I’m pretty sure that there is some trouble up the road for us. We may have more company than we’ve wanted.”
“I have an idea.” suggested Celestia. “My brother and sister live just about a ½ mile from here. It would only take us 10 minutes to get there.”
“Sure, why no-” started Rapunzel.
“NO!” interrupted Eugene. “Absolutely NO! This road is not safe to travel at night. I say we stop here and set up camp. We ALL need some rest after a whole day’s worth of traveling.”
“We also need more protection than just a few pieces of wood.” argued Celestia “I say we keep going those 10 minutes.”
“Yeah, and what is your brother’s house made of? Huh? Metal? Steel?” asked Eugene, sarcastically.
“Brick, actually, and it is MUCH stronger than wood.”
“Whatever. But what about the road? It’s not safe to keep traveling.”
“But it’s not safe here EITHER! None of us will be able to sleep, scared of the fact that someone could launch a surprise attack on us any minute! Then what would happen to the horses? Huh?”
“STOP IT,” Rapunzel shouted. “BOTH OF YOU STOP!!!!!!”
Eugene and Celestia turned to face Rapunzel.
“If you don’t want us to argue, tell us what to do, Sunshine!” exclaimed Eugene.
“Yeah, what do you say, Raps?” said Celestia. “Should we set up camp here, or keep going?”
“I say we go to your brother’s house, Celestia. Are you sure he won’t mind?” asked Rapunzel.
“I’m not sure if my brother would be home, yet, but my sister is always home.” answered Celestia. “She would make sure that the horses are taken care of, and would take great care of us. I haven’t seen my brother or sister in ages, and I’m dying to see them.”
“So then it’s settled.” confirmed Rapunzel. “We are going to continue to where Celestia is saying. We’ll stay there for the night and will continue tomorrow morning.”
“Ugh, fine.” said Eugene angrily, his voice rising. “We’ll continue on, but if someone or something gets in our way or threatens us, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“What do you mean ‘warn y-’” started Rapunzel.
Before Rapunzel could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by a loud noise. It was a cross between a howl and an evil laugh. Startled and scared, Rapunzel rushed into the carriage with Pascal at her heels. Eugene and Celestia rushed to sit in the front with Eugene, holding the reins, and Celestia guiding him where to go. Halfway to Celestia’s brother’s house, all three travelers saw a shadow speed by the carriage. Rapunzel sent worried looks to Pascal, and he tried to make her forget what was happening by playing games with her. It only made Rapunzel worry even more. All of a sudden, Rapunzel heard Eugene holler, Celestia scream, and then … nothing. Rapunzel hurried to look outside the window, and gasped at what she saw. There was a young man who had tied both Eugene and Celestia up and was holding a sword up, ready to kill them. Rapunzel rushed outside, bringing her greatest weapon with her. After using her frying pan on the man, Rapunzel tied him up. Then, she immediately untied Eugene and Celestia, and inquired about what had happened.
“I-I-I don’t know what happened.” stammered Celestia, scared with what had happened. “Eugene and I were sitting in the front, and all of a sudden, WHOOSH! The man swung in front of us and tied us up. I’ve never seen him, but my brother probably knows about him.”
“Maybe, we shouldn’t have come here in the first place!” yelled Eugene. “I knew that something was wrong when we first left the motel, and if we had stayed where we were, none of this would have happened!”
“This could have happened ANYWHERE!” shouted Rapunzel. “Why, why do you keep saying that we shouldn’t have come here? Why do you keep trying to make Celestia feel bad, or make her regret her choice of giving an idea? I am done with you saying that we shouldn’t have come here!
“What I am going to say is what we are going to do. We will make sure this man is tied up strongly and will bring him with us to our next destination. Then, we will ask Celestia’s brother about this man.”
Eugene fell silent after what Rapunzel said. She had never gotten this mad before. He silently followed what Rapunzel had said, and soon the three people reached the house. Celestia quietly went to the door and knocked, while Eugene and Rapunzel stayed at the carriage.
“Look, Eugene, I’m sorry that I got angry at you earlier.” confessed Rapunzel. “It was just … I … sigh … I’m sorry.”
Looking at her, Eugene answered, “It’s alright, Sunshine. I mean, I was just surprised because … well, this just isn’t you.”
Rapunzel sighed, “I know, and I’m sorry. It’s just … I’m worried about Father. I don’t know if we will get back to him in time or not! Life would be very difficult without him.”
Just then, Celestia came running back.
“Great news!” she exclaimed. “My brother’s home, and he says that the bandit that tried killing us, was the most wanted thief in Tesoro! Anyways, he said to leave the horses outside for now, and that when the stable boy was back, he would take care of the horses! Oh, and he said for you guys to come inside.”
As Rapunzel and Eugene went inside, Rapunzel felt as if she was being watched. She took a quick look around her to make sure there was no one there. Little did she know that she was in for a big surprise.
Celestia’s brother, Damien, and her sister, Athena, were very hospitable. They made sure that Rapunzel and Eugene were well-fed, and had a good place to sleep. Both Eugene and Rapunzel woke up early the next morning to the smells of a delicious breakfast. As they both hurried down to eat, Rapunzel was distracted by a figure outside the window. As she looked closer, she was shocked to learn that it was the thief! He had been freed!
Running downstairs, Rapunzel hurried to Celestia and Eugene and told them about what had happened.
As they all rushed outside, Rapunzel quickly tracked down the thief and tied him up. Just as she was about to turn back to look for her friends, Rapunzel gasped at what she saw. The sundrop’s flower bed was right in front of her! But she was quickly disheartened to realize that the sundrop wasn’t there! Just as she was about to turn back, an impulse made her walk to a large rock that stood in the middle of the field. She realized that on the rock, was an enchantment. By then, Eugene, Celestia, Athena, and Damien had all caught up with Rapunzel. They all watched in awe, as the young princess read the words on the rock, aloud, and with strength in her voice.
“Flower, golden, bright,
Shine your brilliant light.
Hold your power high,
This time again, is to try
Once more again,
The power shall remain,
With me so that I use,
It’s power only for good.”
As Rapunzel read these words out loud, a brilliant light surrounded her, lifting her up into the air. As she rose higher into the air, Rapunzel’s brown hair turned into a gleaming gold color. Her hair started to grow back again, and after growing about 70 feet, Rapunzel gently landed on the ground with a soft thump. All four people stared at the princess in astonishment, as she slowly stood up. Turning around, Rapunzel seemed surprised to see her long hair. All of a sudden, her face lit up with joy.
Coming up to her, Eugene seemed amazed at what had happened, and said, “I’m happy that you got your golden hair back, Blondie, but what are we going to do to help your father. I mean, we should be going back by now. Are we going to go meet Master Zealious?”
Rapunzel smiled sweetly and Eugene, and responded, “I have a better idea.”
Rapunzel, Eugene, Celestia, Athena, and Damien all left for Corona that day. Damien ad Athena had decided to come along, just for a little trip. Late that evening, the five travelers reached the castle. Almost as soon as they got their, Rapunzel rushed inside and inquired about the king. Realizing that he could have taken his last breath, Rapunzel ran to her Father’s room, and quickly went inside. Wrapping her hair around him, Rapunzel quickly sung the healing incantation that Mother Gothel had taught her. As soon as she finished, her father sat upright in bed, completely healed.
“Father!” Rapunzel beamed, her eyes twinkling. “You’re all right!”
“All thanks to you, dearie,” responded the king. “Thank you, Rapunzel.”
From the side, Rapunzel’s mother smiled, happy at her husband’s health. Eugene also joyfully looked on, happy that Rapunzel was once again cheerful. And they all lived happily ever after.
The End!
“Image taken from, https://dev.geeksandgamers.com/review-rapunzels-tangled-adventure-season-two-episodes-20-and-21-destinies-collide-parts-1-and-2/ “