
RUles For Social Media
Social media today, as we know it, is affecting kids in many ways. While it can have some positive effects, the negative effects weight heavier when scaled. As a result of this, there are some actions that need to be taken to ensure that social media has a positive impact on its users.
01. Treat others the same way you would like to be treated.
- When posting something, think about how you would feel if someone posted that. Would you want to forget about it to read it? Would you be offended? Would it make you feel down? If the answer is yes to even one of these questions, don’t post that image, meme, etc.
02. Don’t be friends with a stranger.
- If you don’t know who someone is, don’t friend them. Many a times there are “teen” profiles who turn out to actually be 40 + year olds who just want to kidnap children.
03. Never trust strangers online.
- Like the previous point, never trust a stranger online. They could be hackers, kidnappers, or even murderers who want your personal information, or want to kill you.
04. Keep your profile private.
- You never want the wrong person to get hold of your information, or anything that says anything about who you are.
05. Don’t post ANYTHING that would ruin your profile.
- There are students who applied to Ivy League colleges, such as Harvard, and were rejected because they were posting inappropriate posts online. Never make the same mistake. Keep your profile clean.
06. Set a time limit.
- Don’t be on social media 24/7. This can make you develop FOMO, the fear of missing out, make you depressed, and even make you feel unhappy about yourself.
07. Leave your home life out of social media.
- No one needs to know what you’re doing at home all the time. Set a line between your personal life and your social life. Make sure that your home life is private.
08. Leave the night.
- Leave the night to rest. Don’t go online when in bed. One reason for this is that it ruins sleep patterns. Another is that it can make you depressed. A final reason is that you think about what you just saw when you were going to sleep. This can make one feel sad, happy, angry, etc, depending on the type of post.
These are just a few rules to follow when on social media!!! 😊
Haala M
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