Death Of George Floyd
Dear Mayor John McCormac,
Salutations of friendship and harmony.
I am writing to inform you about my sorrow and astonishment, considering the recent events that have put our fellow Black Americans in pain and misery. George Floyd was relentlessly and cruelly murdered, even though he begged the police officer to show some mercy. The policeman that brutally killed Floyd showed bias, racial injustice, and hate, although he is a government worker.
I have come to realize that our fellow African Americans can no longer be free citizens in this ‘land of liberty.’ They can no longer be easy-going and friendly with others, without keeping the raw agony of the fate of their fellow Africans in mind. These are not actions that represent our free nation. This is not what America is. We are much more than just ignorant citizens. We are not heeding the cry of our fellow-subjects nor are we showing justice.
As a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I am instructed to keep the rights of people in the back of my mind at all times. The Holy founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has made it clear that no race is superior to another, and the lives of all mankind and honor must be treated as sacred. While our beliefs and ethnicities may be different, I’m sure we can both agree on the sacred value of human life–all human life regardless of color, creed, religion, race, gender, and background.
You, as our mayor, have the duty of fulfilling the rights of all the residents that live within your administration. I am writing to ask you to take action against these unjust behaviors. I am asking you to give protection to those in danger, and to stop the supremacists and murderers. I, as a middle schooler, am asking you about what I can do, and what role I can play in this fight against cruelty and injustice. And as a resident, I trust that you will take action against these barbarous works.
There are many reasons why I agree that you are one of the top people to ask with help against these inhumane behaviors. The main reason is the school system and the curriculum. Throughout the four years that I have been in the Woodbridge Township School District, I have always felt challenged by the competition between the students in all my classes in an educational and enlightening way. The teachers have always been kind, and the students competitive. You have also handled the situation regarding the coronavirus well. The students and teachers, along with everyone within the education department were safe because of the rules and regulations that you have implemented. Not only was everyone safe, but also learning at the same time. Thank you for all that you have done. Thank you.
A sincere sixth-grader,