Violence (Malcolm X) vs. Non-Violence (Martin Luther King Jr.)
Did you know that Malcolm X was a minister and an activist? Most of us don’t know that because he protested with violence. Martin Luther King Jr., also known as MLK Jr., was also a minister and an activist, and is famous because of his nonviolent protests. MLK Jr. and Malcolm X did the same thing but had different ways to do it. And that’s what set forth the difference between these two men. Malcolm X was a person who valued and accepted other differences, acknowledged and fought racism, and appreciated non-violence and equality, just like Dr. King.
Martin Luther King Jr. protested that segregation of whites and blacks was wrong. Malcolm X preached the same thing but in a different way. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” Malcolm X had the same intention as he said, “ I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it’s for or against.” This is the courage that MLK Jr. and Malcolm X had to stop segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. thought that the blacks and whites had no difference and were the same. Malcolm X said that both parties should be treated the same. They had the same point of views.
MLK Jr. and Malcolm X both knew that there was racism in the world as well as segregation and all they wanted was to stop it. Martin Luther King Jr. knew that segregation was “popular” because he had grown up in the same environment. As a child he wanted to grow up to become a protester that would protest against segregation. He wanted to change the government laws about segregation. And that’s why he gave many speeches; to change the government. Malcolm X had grown up in the same environment as Dr. King. He wanted to change the way the world was; filled with segregation at the time. Both grew up in a segregated world.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both wanted equality and non violence. Malcolm X wanted justice and non-violence but he thought that the way to end segregation was violence. He thought that if violence was not used, no problem would be fixed. MLK Jr. and Malcolm X both wanted to end racism towards blacks and wanted to end segregation between them and the whites. The Montgomery Bus Boycott changed segregation laws and finally Dr. King’s protests were making an impact on society. He once said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Malcolm X states that, “Nonviolence is fine as long as it works.” These two men have changed the world in two different ways.
MLK Jr. and Malcolm X have had a great impact on today’s society. If it weren’t for these two men and all of the other people who have fought for non-violence, equality, integration, and antiracism, our world and lifestyle would have been very different from today’s. In my opinion, it would have been better if Malcolm X had protested non-violently. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X have left great footprints for their children and for the world. They have left a great legacy for us and future generations.