Hi guys! You probably didn’t even get time to think about Ramadan because of the pandemic. You probably noticed that this year has started with a major pandemic. Well, you might be thinking what pandemic really means. A pandemic is a disease that is widespread over a large area or even the world. The pandemic is called the Coronavirus also known as Covid-19. Most people are following the regular advice which is staying inside your homes and not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth as well as washing your hands often. Maybe you should also start to follow this advice if you don’t already. Let’s move in a little deeper!
Don’t you think about how we will go through Ramadan? Well, first let’s talk a little bit about the month of Ramadan and what Muslims do through this month. Let’s all pray that this pandemic will not cause trouble for Muslims during this month which is starting on April 23. Insha’Allah. During the month of Ramadan, man is told to keep themselves clean. Another part of this month is reciting the Holy Book of the Muslims which is the Holy Quran. This month is a month of purity in which a person is to donate money to the needy after feeling how they feel. Being the major part of Ramadan, people fast to feel how the needy feel. It is obligatory for an adult to fast during the month of Ramadan. During fasting, the person wakes up at Tahajud, prays, and then they may sleep. Tahajjud is an optional prayer which is done at about 4 in the morning and brings you nearer to Allah (God.) Then, the person wakes up again and eats their regular breakfast but right before the time of Fajr which is called Sehri. Sehri is the time in the morning in which the observers of a fast start their fast. They don’t eat until they break their fast. These people break their fast at about 7:00 or just before Maghrib prayers. This is called Iftar. It is a tradition to open the fast by eating a date, praying the Maghrib prayer, and then finally having a full meal.
In the Holy Quran, in Chapter 2 verse 184, it says,”O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become righteous.”In Ramadan, during the end, there’s a lot going on. In the last 10 days, Muslims can go to their mosques and pray day and night. They recite the Holy Quran and also pray. They also fast in the mosques. These people are known as I’tikaf. They dedicate themselves to Allah. The main purpose of Ramadan is nearness to Allah the Almighty. This is the main part of Ramadan. Nearness to Allah is a personal relationship to Allah for purity. Along with this, give others their rights which is done through fasting.
When it comes to fasting, there are also restrictions. The biggest restriction which is quite obvious is that you may not eat or drink anything. If you do eat something, your fast is broken and it will not count. Another restriction for fasting is that you cannot fast while you are traveling. The reason for this is because while man is fasting, they can get weak. If man fasts during traveling, they may get extremely weak. Though they can’t fast during travel, they must make their fasts that they missed from the 30 days up. Because people can get weak during the month of Ramadan, Allah the Almighty has also said that man should not fast if he or she is sick. Allah has said in the Holy Quran, in chapter 2 verse 186,”… But whoso is sick or is on a journey, shall fast the same number of other days. Allah desires to give you facility and He desires not hardship for you, and that you may complete the number, and that you may exalt Allah for His having guided you and that you may be grateful.” Though the month of Ramadan is made for fasting, man can also fast any other day of the year. Children don’t have to fast during this month of prayer.
By fasting, man makes a pledge that if Allah asks them to sacrifice their life, they should not be hesitant to do so. This Ramadan will be a little more different than every year. Insha’ Allah Huzur-e-Anwar will give us advice as he has been leading us through this tragic time. Huzur has told us that we should constantly wash our hands.
I hope that may Allah bless the Jama’at and keep each and everyone of us safe especially in this time. May he give us long lives and fulfill over prayers. May he make it easier for us as Muslims during the month of Ramadan. Ameen. Insha’Allah.