HOW TO NOT PROCRASTINATE And increase productivity
- Meditate
Relax! You worked so hard, so give yourself a break!
02. Take breaks
Your brain isn’t a machine! Give it a break! Take a five minute break every 10-15 minutes to keep your brain relaxed and working.
03. Reward yourself
Tell yourself that you are working. When you take those five minuet breaks, remember to take some fruit or chocolate. Reward yourself for working hard in those 10-15 minutes!
04. Sleep
Believe it or not, sleep actually determines how your day goes. If you rest for 8 hours a night, you are likely to have a more productive day than a night when you only rested for 3 hours. Try it!
05. Autosuggestion/Staying positive
Tell yourself that you CAN do it. Remind yourself that you are working, and think over the amount to work you have accomplished. This increases feelings of productivity, and happiness. That way, you can be happy about what you have done.
06. Declutter
Clean up! This can really help. Having a clean and decluttered work space can increase productivity. Try it yourself!
07. Productivity zappers/focusing
Keep some snacks near you. Never work on an empty stomach. If you are hungry your brain will not work as well.
08. Plan your day
Keep a list of tasks of what you have to do. This will help you to keep a schedule.
09. Know what tasks are most valuable
Keep the most valuable tasks on the top of your list so you finish them first. Complete your science project that is due tomorrow, BEFORE doing the math worksheet due in two weeks!
10. Take control of your schedule/set up your to-do list
This way, you’ll know what you are doing, and will know when you are lagging behind.
11. Cut out distractions
Maybe charge that phone on the other side of the room? The less distractions you have, the quicker you’ll get done with work.
12. Set up your space
Having a set work space can help your brain to recognize that you are working. If you are finishing your to-do list on your sofa, you won’t be working as hard as you would be if you were working on a desk and chair.
13. JUST START IT!!!!!!
Don’t think about doing that essay for school tomorrow when it’s due in three days. Start. It. NOW! It doesn’t matter when you finish it. Once you start it, you will have the energy to keep going, and might even finish it. Once you realize that you have less than half left, you might even do those last two paragraphs tomorrow!
14. Do the most important tasks in the morning.
Your brain is the most active in the morning when it hasn’t already been pressured with lots of work. In the morning, you are the most productive, so do you priority items in the morning!
15. DO NOT multitask.
Multitasking can not get work done. Your brain works better when tasks are done one by one, so why not satisfy it?
“Image taken from https://www.forbes.com/sites/biancabarratt/2019/01/30/how-to-write-a-to-do-list-that-youll-actually-stick-to/#13249ed7279e“