Distance Learning vs. In-School Learning; Which is Better?
Brrrrring! Your alarm rings, and without taking a glance at the time, you turn the alarm off. You roll over and go back to sleep. During this pandemic, people are contemplating over whether we should have in-school learning or distance learning. In school-learning is much better than distance learning because it makes doing work much more efficient, there is a better environment, a set schedule, and teachers can help students one-on-one to understand what they are having trouble with.
One reason that in-school learning is better is that it is much more convenient than distance learning. Some kids who get free lunch have to walk to the school or to their bus stop to get breakfast and lunch. This can be hard because sometimes it isn’t exactly easy to get lunch if the weather isn’t too good. Another problem is that some children are disabled, and they find it hard to walk. If they are tired or not feeling well, even a simple task, such as walking, seems like a burden. Another reason that in-school learning is better is because of the environment. At school, there are places set to work and places that are meant for eating. That is the total opposite at home. At school things are more organized, and the student can actually learn through different ways, and the environment of the classroom plays an important role in our studies. Because of that kids can learn quicker than at home. Even though I prefer in-school learning over distance learning, some people have a different opinion.
Some people prefer distance learning over in-school learning for many reasons, but there are some faults with that opinion. One logic is that each student can work at their own pace at home, and understand concepts in their own way. But the problem with this is that the teacher can’t always be there for the student to help them when they need to understand something. If the student is struggling with a subject or a concept, the teacher can do nothing more than try to help the student visualize what they are doing. This way, a child doesn’t always understand what it is doing. In school, however, the teacher is able to work with the student one-on-one in an easier and more helpful way. They are able to help the pupil learn. The reason that they can help them is that they know the child, and they know how to facilitate the child. Another negative side about distance learning is that it can destroy routines. Work is done in bed, homework under a blanket, and food is eaten in our bedrooms. This is just wrong because it ruins habits, such as bedtime, time to wake up, as well as our other schedule. We are getting in the wrong mood about our habits. In the back of our minds, we always know that what we are doing is wrong, but we like it so we take no action. Therefore, distance learning is not a good idea because it doesn’t always have the teacher there to support the student, and it ruins habits.
In-school learning is a much better choice when compared with distance learning, because of many reasons. One is that it is much more convenient, because some kids don’t have to walk to school or their bus stop to get food to eat. Another reason is that the school environment makes it much easier to learn new concepts and new things, versus at home, which can be really hard. Similarly, teachers can easily help a struggling student at school, which isn’t so easy at home. A final reason why learning at school is better is that our habits are not ruined, and we keep up a good schedule. And in the end, by the time you wake up to do work for school, it is already noon, and you have no idea how the time passed so quickly.
“Image taken from https://www.viewsonic.com/library/education/virtual-classroom-the-future-of-distance-learning/“